Matterport Scanning
Matterport offers an effective reality capture solution for planning, training, marketing, and other simulation scenarios.
Allen & Company has always been an early adopter of the most innovative 3D scanning, imaging, and other photogrammetric data capture technologies. the addition of the Matterport scanning system coupled with three decades of surveying, mapping, and geospatial knowledge adds up to a formidable package of experience and insight to support our customers’ location imaging needs.
Matterport is a leading image acquisition system that can scan an entire building and facility interiors in a matter of hours, producing a high-quality walkthrough output. With the integration of the newest Matterport Pro2 3D Camera, Allen & Company has enhanced the way it delivers value by adding features such as measurement tools and note-taking, all of which create a concise package of features, benefits, and value your organization can put to immediate use.
Allen & Company’s Matterport applications include:
- Architectural & Interior Design
- Planning Real Estate Marketing & Sales
- Security Planning & Strategy
- Engineering Presentations
- Event Planning & Sales
- Insurance Asset Management
- Facility Management Evaluations
- Commercial Property Assessments
Our Matterport scanning service can optimize your deliverables with these features:
- Automatic face blurring to ensure client and team privacy
- Collaborate efficiently with embedded comments and note sharing
- Convert 360° panoramic images into an interactive 3D space
The benefits of our Matterport scanning services include:
- Increase the sophistication of your planning
- Multi-device reproduction ensures versatility
- Communicate value virtually during strategy, marketing, or sales meetings or calls
With our Matterport scanning services, you can achieve enhanced value, including:
- A high level of detail delivers a clear perspective of the Area of Interest.
- The capability to extract dimensions from the images on a cloud using Web Explorer.
- Immediate 24/7 access anywhere in the world
- Fast, detailed, and customizable deliverables